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Soundness Kids Programme

Each Soundness Kids Programme is tailored made to cater children's holistic development through Exploration, Enrichment and Empowerment. Classes are conducted in small groups and are led by professional music educators. Join us now, make friends and make music together!

Soundness Kids 課程設計由三大重點出發:探索興趣豐富知識音樂中盡展潛能,教材配合兒童的整體發展製定。課程形式將分成小組進行,由專業音樂教育工作者領導。期待孩子們加入,一起在音樂探索興趣、豐富知識和盡展潛能!

Key Concepts


We create opportunities for our students to explore freely in a safe and encouraging environment. Kids never fail to surprise us with their creativity and imagination!



We aspire to help students develop strong musical foundations in stress-free classes. Our knowledgeable teachers will instil a love of learning in your kids!



The benefits of empowerment classes extend beyond just learning music. We promote students' self awareness, self esteem, confidence, 

emotional wellness and interpersonal skills.


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Music Wonder Kids


For children aged 3-5

Music Wonder Kids is a 16-lesson course designed for children aged 3-5 embarking on their musical journey! The music class offers holistic, experiential music education with fun and engaging activities! The course provides children a solid music foundation and let them explore their interest in music while having lots of fun!

Music Wonder Kids offers opportunities to:​

  • Have hands on experience with instruments from six musical families - strings (violin, cello), plucked strings (harp, guitar, ukulele), keyboard (piano), winds (flute, clarinet), brass (trombone), percussion (marimba, snare drum, glockenspiel, ethnic percussions)

  • Learn and grasp key musical concepts to prepare foundations for future musical learning, such as music aural skills, visual tracing, treble clef reading with colors, intervals and solfege, steady beat, simple time signatures, rhythm combinations in crochets

  • Curriculum designed with Orff, Kindermusik and Kodaly methods, supporting children’s holistic growth through age-appropriate stimulations, such as hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, listening and imitation

  • Each student who finished the course will be given a progress report by the teacher to highlight their strengths, talents, and potentials in Music, and provide insights on their future musical education path and choice of musical instrument​

  • Presentation to parents and guardians in the last class, students will present their progress and perform solo pieces.

  • Trial class with Piano Wonder Kids can be arranged to further explore children's interest and potential

  • Our teachers are well-qualified with vast teaching experience, teachers' biographies are available for parents' reference before commencing trial lessons

Music Wonder Kids

Age: 3-5
Course: 16 classes, 50mins/ class

Class Size: Within 6 students​



Music Wonder Kids 是為期16課的課程,適合3-5歲正尋找適合啟蒙樂器的孩子! 音樂課程透過趣味的活動提供全面、體驗式的音樂教育。

Music Wonder Kids 課程重點:


  • 親身接觸六個樂器家族的樂器:弦樂家族(小提琴、大提琴);撥弦樂家族(豎琴、結他、夏威夷小結他);鍵盤樂家族(鋼琴);木管樂家族(長笛、單簧管);銅管樂家族(長號); 以及敲擊樂家族(馬林巴琴、鋼片琴、小鼓及民族敲擊樂器) 。

  • 掌握關鍵音樂概念,打穩音樂學習的基礎。包括音樂聽力能力、視覺追蹤、顏色系統高 音譜號音符閱讀、唱音及音程、穩定拍子、基本時間記號、四分音符和休止符的節奏組 合,等等 

  • 課程以奧福、高大宜、Kindermusik等教學法設計,配合孩子成長階段,包括小肌肉發 展,手眼協調及聆聽模仿等範𤴆,支持孩子全面發展成長 

  • 每位學生於完成課程後會收到老師編寫的報告,讓家長了解孩子的長處、才能,以及 於音樂上的潛能 

  • 課程最後一堂設有學生表演,讓家長欣賞孩子學習成果

  • 課程完成後,可以優惠價預約Piano Wonder Kids或各種樂器試堂,由經驗豐富專業老 

  • 聲悅音樂中心師資優良,導師們於各大院校有豐富教學經驗,試堂前歡迎參閱導師履歷簡介 


Music Wonder Kids

年齡: 3-5
課程: 16 課,每課50分鐘


Mother and Baby Exercising

Music Wondertots      


For children aged 2-3

Music Wondertots is fun filled music classes for 2-3yos to enjoy and explore musical instruments!
Supporting children’s holistic development with music in a joyful and nurturing environment.

Music Wondertots offers opportunities to:​

  • Hands on experience with Ukulele, Ethnic Percussion instruments (Djembe, Conga, Bongos, Chinese Drum) and a variety of Percussion instruments (Glockenspiel, rainbow bells, chime bars)

  • Curriculum designed with Orff, Kindermusik and Kodaly methods, supporting children’s holistic growth through age-appropriate stimulations, such as development in motor skills, sensory development, body coordination and visual tracing

  • Foster foundational musical concepts, including steady beat, basic rhythms, high and low pitches, and solfege in color system

  • Presentation to parents and guardians in every 10th class.

  • Each student who finished the course will be given a progress report by the teacher to highlight their strengths, talents, and potentials in music

  • Trial class with Music Wonder Kids can be arranged to further explore children's interest and potential

  • Our teachers are well-qualified with vast teaching experience, teachers' biographies are available for parents' reference before commencing trial class or lesson

Music Wondertots

Age: 2-3
Course: 10 classes, 45mins/ class

Class Size: Within 6 students​



Music Wondertots是充滿樂趣的音樂課程,讓2-3歲的孩子盡情探索樂器! 在歡樂和友善的環境中用音樂支持孩子的全面成長發展。

Music Wondertots 課程重點:

  • 親身接觸夏威夷小結他、民族敲擊樂器(如非洲鼓、拉丁美洲手鼓及中國鼓)以及各種 敲擊樂器(如鋼片琴、彩虹鐘、鐘音條等)

  • 課程以奧福、高大宜、Kindermusik等教學法設計,配合孩子成長階段,包括肌肉活動 發展,感觀發展,身體協調及視覺追蹤等範𤴆,支持孩子全面發展成長

  • 培養基礎音樂概念,認識拍子、節拍、高低音調、彩虹音調排列及唱名

  • 每位學生於完成課程後會收到老師編寫的報告,讓家長了解孩子的長處、才能,以及於音樂上的潛能

  • 每階段課程的最後一堂,均有學生表演,讓家長欣賞孩子學習成果

  • 聲悅音樂中心師資優良,導師們於各大院校有豐富教學經驗,試堂前歡迎參閱導師履歷簡介

  • 課程完成後,可以優惠價預約各種Music Wonder Kids試堂,由經驗豐富專業老師在音樂學習路上啟蒙

Music Wondertots

年齡: 2-3
課程: 10 課,每課45分鐘



Piano Wonder Kids    


For children aged 4-6

Piano Wonder kids is fun and interactive group class to build a strong foundation for piano techniques and sight reading skills!

Piano Wonder Kids offers opportunities to:​

  • Curriculum designed with Orff, Kindermusik and Kodaly methods

  • Build muscles, fine motor skills and left and right hand coordination that are essential in piano playing

  • Develop healthy and technically proper posture for sustainable piano playing, sitting/ relaxed shoulder position, well structured fingers, hands and arms posture 

  • Learn finger numbers system and effective fingering for piano playing

  • Introduction to musical alphabet, key names identification and grand staff note identification

  • Sight reading training, reading treble and bass clef, building ability to translate music on score into fluent piano playing

  • Simple time signature identification, develop the ability to perform music in metre of 2/4, 3/4, 4/4

  • Key signature identification - C major, learning to play music in the key of C major

  • Develop rhythm reading skills, learn to read and perform music with combinations of  whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, 8th notes and rests

  • Presentation to parents and guardians in every 10th class.

  • Trial lessons with professional instrumental teachers can be arranged to further explore children's interest and potential

  • Our teachers are well-qualified with vast teaching experience, teachers' biographies are available for parents' reference before commencing trial lessons

Level 1 presentation: Playing one solo piece by both hands, in treble clefs
Level 2 presentation: Playing one solo piece by both hands, in treble and bass clefs


Piano Wonder Kids

Target: Children aged 4-6

Course:  50 mins per class, Level 1: 10 classes, Level 2: 10 classes

Class size: Max. 6 students per class


Piano Wonder Kids是趣味且互動的團體課程,為學習鋼琴和視奏技巧打下穩健的基礎!

Piano Wonder Kids 課程重點:

  • 課程以奧福、高大宜、Kindermusik等教學法設計,配合孩子成長階段,發展鋼琴演奏不可或缺的身體條件,包括肌肉和小肌肉發展,以及左右手協調

  • 建立健康且有助長遠發展的鋼琴演奏姿勢,包括端正坐姿、放鬆肩膀、正確手腕、手部和手指結構

  • 了解鋼琴指法數字系統,並使用有效的指法演奏

  • 學習音名,閱讀五線譜和建立認音能力

  • 高音譜號和低音譜號視奏訓練,從基礎培養流暢的視奏能力

  • 認識音樂調性及基本時間記號,學習演奏C大調和2/4 、3/4及 4/4 拍子的樂曲

  • 研習一系列節奏組合,讓孩子輕鬆地演奏由全音符、二分音符、四分音符、八分音符和各種休止符組成的音樂

  • 每階段課程的最後一堂,均有學生表演,讓家長欣賞孩子學習成果

  • 課程完成後,可以優惠價預約各種樂器試堂,由經驗豐富專業老師在樂器學習路上啟蒙

  • 聲悅音樂中心師資優良,導師們於各大院校有豐富教學經驗,試堂前歡迎參閱導師履歷簡介




Piano Wonder Kids

年齡: 4-6




Weekdays 1:00pm - 7:00pm

Tuesday and Wednesday by appointment

Saturday 9:00am - 6:00pm

Sunday by appointment

Close on Public Holidays



Thank you for subscribing!



      20A Vulcan House

      21-23 Leighton Road

      Causeway Bay

      +852 3184 0018

      +852 5400 6486

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